70+ Facebook Groups for Bloggers

How I Made a over $12,000 in my 9th Month of Blogging

70+ Facebook Groups for Bloggers

Hey friend, we are talking Facebook groups today! This little obsession of mine has helped me launch, grow, and sell my blog, gain tons of subscribers and traffic, and earn $20K+ from blogging! Social media in general (especially Pinterest and Facebook) is great for traffic but Facebook groups are gold! And I’ll tell you why.

Facebook groups are collaborative groups on Facebook where you can learn, share, trade, buy, sell, and more! There are groups are just about everything:

  • Local buy/sell groups
  • Blogging
  • Recipes
  • Vegan lifestyle
  • Local play dates
  • Business

And so much more!

How to use groups for your blog


Groups are great for your blog. Not only can you meet new friends and network, but there’s tons of opportunity to gain traffic, get more social media followers, collaborate, etc.

I manage a group called Pinning Ain’t Easy. It has over 900 members and is for bloggers who share a love for Pinterest and engage in pinning, repinning, and other engagement activities to help create an active, engaged Pinterest account and blog.

There are many more Facebook groups and I participate every day!

How do you know what groups to join?

1.) Head to Facebook and do a search

2.) Search for your niche. Search for “blogging.” Search for “business.” And,related terms.

3.) Find groups and join.

That’s  it!

The Shortcut Method

70+ Facebook Groups for Bloggers

Sign up for my newsletter and I’ll send you 75 Facebook groups you can join to get traffic, followers, and more. You won’t be disappointed! What are your favorite Facebook groups?

Get access to this amazing list that will help SKYROCKET your traffic!

Note: This post may contain affiliate links.

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  • Terry Tucker January 28, 2017 at 9:22 pm

    I started a group recently – Share & Care 4 Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety. I started this group mainly to post and talk about awareness and to be an outlet for those who may want a safe place. I started as a closed group and switched to public due to low group membership.
    I must confess, I am drowning. I have tried to obtain info on what to do, how to do it and have hit a wall. This is very new to me. I would love to have others join, but am clueless on how to get the word out.
    Another frustrating thing is that whatever I post in group, also is posting on my newsfeed— the very thing I want to avoid.
    If you could help, or direct me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so Much! Terry Tucker

    • admin February 2, 2017 at 5:02 am

      Hi Terry,

      I’d be happy to offer advice. First, you wanna put the group to Closed, that way when you post, it doesn’t go to your personal FB feed. Closed groups can still get just as much membership as Public groups.

      Next, promote your group like crazy. If you have a blog, then blog about it. Join other FB groups and when they have share threads, share your FB group. I have auto replies on email and Twitter that share my group info. This helps me get around 5-10 people asking to join my group daily. There’s also a FB group for promoting your FB group (make sense?). You can post your group details to recruit new members.

      Hope these tips help. Let me know if I can offer any other help 🙂

  • Ewa January 30, 2017 at 3:01 pm

    Thanks for advice. I started my blog yesterday 😉

    • admin February 2, 2017 at 4:58 am

      Hi Ewa,

      Awesome. Congrats on taking the leap. Blogging is such a rewarding, fruitful experience. Reach out if you have any questions. Wanna join my FB group, Pinning Ain’t Easy (if you’re not already a member)? It’s http://www.facebook.com/groups/pinningainteasy

      Thanks for your comments 🙂