6 Tools to Make Your Blog More Pinteresting

I am such a tool snob (especially if it’s free)! Are you the same way?

6 Tools to Make Your Blog More Pinteresting

If it can save me money, save me time, make life easier, I am all for it!  When it comes to blogging, I have an arsenal of awesome tools that make blogging life easier so I can just spend a handful of hours each week on the blog, instead of 40 hours+.  One of my secret weapons for getting tons of traffic to the blog is Pinterest!  Yes, Pinterest!

Pinterest has been all the rage lately. Every time I turn around there’s a new course or ebook on Pinterest. Why?  It’s really INCREDIBLE at driving traffic to websites and the best part is it’s free!  Sure, you can do Promoted Pins pretty affordably but for the most part, you can follow a handful of actionable steps to have tons of Pinterest traffic hit your blog.

If you’re struggling to use Pinterest effectively, I’ve got 6 tools to make your blog more Pinteresting. Excited yet? Here we go:

1.) Tailwind

8 Tools to Make Your Blog More Pinteresting

THE best way to get the most Pinterest traffic to your blog. Plus, now with built-in features to cross post to Twitter and Facebook, you’ll be getting tons of traffic all across social media with the help of Tailwind. Psstt, there’s a free trial too.

2.) Canva

8 Tools to Make Your Blog More Pinteresting

One thing you’ll need to go with your polished blog posts and AMAZING pinnable images. You need at least 1 (2-3 recommended) pinnable image per post and you csn create them for free with Canva! Choose the Pinterest graphic template and go crazy!

3.) Rich Pins

This is non negotiable friends. You MUST have rich pins! It’s free to get and a snap to get set up. Find out how here. Too techy for you? Just install the Yoast SEO plugin (you should ALREADY have this) and go to Social>Pinterest. Then just add the tag. Easy!

4.) Pinterest for Business

Get a business Pinterest account (it’s free). Nuff’ said.

5.) Pingroupie

Great for group boards. Group boards are an awesome way to get your pins seen by more people. You want to join at least 10 group boards.  I’m in 24 boards. 24! And I’ve been blogging on this blog for less than 30 days. You can do it! Another shortcut: Boardbooster Best Group Boards

6.) Sumome Image Sharer

First get Sumome plugin (there’s a free version) then turn on the Image Sharer option which will put a sharing button over your post images when users hover over the image. Makes it super easy for readers to pin your image.

6 Tools to Make Your Blog More Pinteresting


And there you have it! These tools will help you get more pins, repins, traffic, and followers on Pinterest. Need professional help? Contact me at lovemyblogtoo at gmail dot com to find out about my Pinterest packages!

What are your Pinterest tips?

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  • Shachar | Going Out of Office May 2, 2017 at 1:00 pm

    Useful post! I’m already using few tools that you’ve listed here, and will definitely check the other tools.


  • Anna May 12, 2017 at 9:20 am

    I love these tips. I’m quite new to blogging and Pinterest so it’s a very helpful information. Thanks !

    • Admin May 16, 2017 at 3:41 am

      Glad to help Anna, You will love Pinterest for blogging. We are putting up more info this week so keep an eye out for it. It such an amazing platform, you’ll make some great friends there too!

      • Anna May 16, 2017 at 6:52 am

        Thanks 🙂 I’ll keep an eye on that.